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Union Values

Our principles are; transparency and openness; integrity and honesty; equal opportunity; inclusiveness and solidarity; democracy; justice; fairness; accountability; and competence. 


Our purpose is to unite employees to maintain and improve staff morale and quality of work life, ensure fair and just working conditions, and ensure that all Bargaining Unit employees are treated fairly and equitably and have a voice in determining their working conditions. 


Our commitment is to work to improve the general welfare of PBGC Bargaining Unit employees, our members, their families, and their dependents whenever and wherever possible and to foster true collegiality and friendship among all members and Bargaining Unit employees. 


We recognize that management's authority to make certain workplace decisions should be balanced with employees' rights to be kept informed, to express differing views, and to have their views considered without retribution. 


Employees' strength concerning their working conditions comes from a Union that strives to promote unity and solidarity among PBGC Bargaining Unit employees to achieve these common goals and to protect the rights and opportunities of one another. 


All Bargaining Unit employees are entitled to complete and honest information about issues. 

Independent of Management 

As federal employees, we have a right under law to a union that, while seeking good labor relations with management, is independent of management.

Fair and Competent Representation

Individual employees, groups, and employees as a while are entitled to fair and competent representation. 

Strength - Solidairity

Strength comes from unity, solidarity, honesty, integrity, mutual respect and competence.

Dignity & Respect

All Bargaining Unit employees and all who come to the union have equal rights to be treated with dignity and respect.

Democratic Decisions

We have the right to bargain with management based on what employees and their union democratically decide is in our best interests to help make PBGC a productive, safe and family friendly environment, free of discrimination. All votes should be counted.

No Hidden Agendas

Any national union or attorney or outside person who is paid from union dues must serve our interests -- not a hidden agenda.


An injury to one is an injury to all!

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